Just back from holiday in Santander

I'm just back from a short but fullfilling holiday in wonderful Santander. The weather in Spain has been pretty bad during the easter week (with snow in inland Spain and all), but lukilly enough the north of Spain was sunny and warm. So I had a great time visiting friends and exploring the amazing Cantabria.
The city of Santander was packed with people enjoying the holiday, so I preferred to move to less crowded parts of Cantabria. I went to Liencres beach, which is a nature park and has a great beach with dunes, and I also walked up to la Picota, a small mountain just by the beach of Liencres with amazing views over the Santander bay and the coast. An amazing experience.
Have a look at the pictures in the Tourspain Photoalbum or in our Flickr photos

Easter Procession in Salamanca

In Spain Easter is lived in a very religious way. During the Easter days you will see Processions in the streets of most Spanish cities, you may find them a bit strange at the beginning but Processions are really an important part of the Spanish culture.
Here is a video of one of the first processions of 2007. The Christ of Forgiveness Procession in Salamanca which took place this evening, and here it is, straight from the streets of Salamanca.